Kamran's Oriental Rug Bazaar

Transitional Hand Tufted Rugs

Hand Tufted Rugs-Transitional

Transitional rugs combines modern elements with classic patterns to create bold new looks in hand tufted rugs.

Defining a New Look

Is your décor hard to define — not quite traditional or classic, but not modern or rustic either? If so, come to Morry’s Rug Bazaar in Sacramento and find the hand tufted rug that fits you and your unique tastes.

If a rug is not made in a traditional pattern, this doesn’t mean it’s inferior in design. The same methods go into our less traditional hand tufted designs. In many cases, master designers are creating patterns that combine old with new. This means your hand tufted rug from Morry’s can still provide years of warmth and pleasure in your living space. Visit our vast showroom to find your area’s newest prize — a transitional hand tufted rug.

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