Kamran's Oriental Rug Bazaar

Handcrafted Rugs

Common Types of Hand Crafted Rugs

If a rug is not hand-knotted or hand-tufted, yet is indeed made by hand, it is called hand crafted. Some hand crafted rugs, especially needlepoints, can demonstrate a very high level of skill, industriousness and artistry. Most hand crafted rugs are made of wool fiber, although some use nylon or other synthetic materials.

The category of hand crafted rugs is a bit of a “catch all” group, encompassing different types of craftwork in rugmaking, but there are three different categories that separate most hand crafted rugs. They are:

This section of our website discusses all of these types of hand crafted rugs. To see examples of hand crafted rugs, please visit Kamran’s Sacramento storefront at 737 56th Street.

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