Kamran's Oriental Rug Bazaar

Hand Hooked Rugs

Hand Crafted Rugs-Hooked

An example of a modern handmade hook rug.

Hooked on Rugs

What began on North America’s Eastern seaboard as a craft of poverty has become today’s fine art of rug hooking. After the 1830’s, when factories began producing machine-made carpets for the rich, poorer folks developed a way to use burlap bags and scraps of cloth to produce floor coverings for their own homes. Using a hefty crochet hook and pulling scraps of cloth through the holes in the burlap, a craft emerged that continues to our day.

While the modern process is essentially the same, the quality of materials for the fabric and backing, as well as the varieties, have never been more sophisticated. Ranging from florals and nature scenes to geometric patterns and asymmetric designs, essentially any look and color scheme can be incorporated into a handmade hooked rug. Stop by Kamran’s Oriental Rug Bazaar in Sacramento to see our selection. But be prepared, you may get “hooked.”

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