Kamran's Oriental Rug Bazaar

Semi-antique or Antique Oriental Rugs

Defining Antique Oriental Rugs

In world of Oriental rugs, the terms “old, semi-antique and antique” are relative. Since handmade techniques and patterns are traditional and have been used for centuries, it is virtually impossible to pinpoint the exact year in which a rug was made. Therefore, a range is usually more appropriate.

In our Sacramento Oriental rug showroom, a rug’s age may be described along these lines:

While it may seem strange to call a nineteen year-old rug “new” just because it has never been sold, keep in mind that a handmade rug is extremely durable and color fast. With proper care, they last for centuries, not just decades.

Kamran’s Oriental Rug Bazaar has a large collection of all of these different categories of handmade Oriental rugs. We are constantly buying antique and old rugs in good condition for our customers with tastes in specific periods of rug making. These rugs can include examples of Asian, European and Native American handcrafts, all available for our Sacramento rug clients.

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