Kamran's Oriental Rug Bazaar

Classic / Traditional Hand Tufted Rugs

Traditional Styles Economically Made by Hand

Hand Tufted Rugs-Classic-Traditional

Hand tufted rugs have the same look as an Oriental rug and borrow from traditional patterns developed over the ages.

Traditional rug designs are timeless. Passed from generation to generation, their balanced appearance blends in even as home and office styles change over the decades. The classic look of an Oriental rug adds warmth, elegance and panache to most all decors, but it really shines in an area appointed with traditional antiques and fine workmanship.

Come to Kamran’s Oriental Rug Bazaar in Sacramento for extensive inventory of traditional hand tufted area rugs and carpets for any space in your home or office. We have the designs, the colors and the patterns that feel just right in your living space, giving all your well-loved furnishings and art the polished look you want.

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