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Needlepoint / Petit Point Rugs

Highly Detailed Rugs

Needlepoint is a well-loved craft that you likely associate with pillows, table linens and craftwork. With a sturdy mesh backing, needlepoint and petit point also make beautiful and long-lasting area rugs or tapestries.

Handcrafted needlepoint rugs capture many detailed design and color schemes. From florals and natural depictions to bold geometric patterns, needlepoint and their slightly lighter and more detailed counterparts, petit points, continue to add richness and warmth to well-loved living spaces. They also demonstrate incredible dexterity and precision on the part of the craft artist, as more than one thousand stitches per square inch is common and up to two thousand or more is achieved by the finest rug masters. Since these rugs are often made with silk and other fine materials, a rug pad is highly recommended.

Come to Kamran’s Oriental Rug Bazaar in Sacramento and see our selection of needlepoint rugs for your home or office space.